I heard many complaints to-day about the lack of text in my new blog. I sort of thought that the pictures were enough to tell my state of mind... But here you have: it is me dancing with great energy my first batucada for the Fete de la Musique at the 3rd quarter Major Hall.
ava loves you !
That's a beautiful picture Ava, you look very happy, I see you enjoy dancing. I'm glad we're going to get to read some of your thoughts. I'm linking you on my blog if that's okay.
Salut Ava, je ne parle plus français, mais je croix vous etes très "cool".
really good to meet you across the time zones, continents and atlantic ocean. I think your pictures speak a thousand words, "photos des mille mots?". Les rues de Paris sont enchantées. Dad says they're even nicer in real life .. I shall have to visit
Dear Ava...
You have a very nice baby picture too...
Joel you are pretty bilingual for a boy so much younguer than me!
Stephi: next time we ll shot a movie!
eheh that batucada thing is sooo weird. I mean takapoum takapoumpoum that is cool
weird is cool ?
nice shoes. they look ilke Robeez. they're made here in vancouver you know. maybe one day we could go shopping and choose you a pair?
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