Some news: 1. It's incredibly hot there 2. I can get up from a sitting to a standing position 3. It's reallty hot 3. I can wave bye bye 4. It's still hot 5. I am nine month old today
ava loves you !
Ava day after day after day after day
Ava day after day after day after day
You own a swimming pool, a portable one ? that is great !!!
Baby Ava you always look like you're having a great time. You definitely must have some cool parents...
You are all so nice... For me, it means one things for sure: Ava, Schuey... you too are ready to have babies!!!
na na na na nère !
Oh!! happy belated birthday my little ANGEL!
I am away for such a time and I miss so much wonderful things that are happening to those that are dear to me.
I cannot believe how much you have grown and how cute and adorable.
Kisses and a million more!
Digital Femme
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